
A "cell-division" church plant

Early in the 1980s, there was concern about providing more room for church services at the Rittman, Ohio, church. After much discussion, a questionnaire was passed out to all members to find out if they favored a second church building at a different location or an addition to the current church.


Following worship services on Wednesday evening, July 27, 1983, a meeting was held to present the results of the questionnaire. The results favored building a second church. Different sites were examined, and a vote was taken by the church. One location carried by a good majority. It was located on Fulton Road (County Road 27). It was a nice, quiet country setting approximately two miles north of the northeast edge of Smithville, Ohio. It was only 3.5 miles from the Rittman church.


On Wednesday evening, July 11, 1984, a groundbreaking ceremony was held. Minister Ben Hartzler spoke on church progress in his lifetime. Elder Joseph Ramsier had a prayer asking God for His blessing and protection in this undertaking. A good-size group was present and concluded with the song "Unity" (page 237, Zion's Harp Hymnal).


The goal was that about 30 percent of the Rittman congregation would attend the new church at Smithville. It turned out that this occurred on a voluntary basis. The division was largely by families, but not altogether. Smithville seemed to have a slightly younger congregation. The cost of the new church was approximately $850,000. Much of the labor was donated by members and friends of the Rittman church and from the emerging Smithville congregation.


First services were held on August 4, 1985. Open House was on August 18, 1985. The church was dedicated on August 25, 1985, with Elder Gene Marti, Kansas City, Missouri, conducting the service.


On October 2, 1988, Andrew Stoller was ordained as Elder of the Smithville congregation. Upon his retirement, he was succeeded by Victor Bauman on February 23, 2014, who served until 2022. Smithville’s current Elder, Adam Uhler, was ordained on March 20, 2022.



*Historical accounts adapted from Marching to Zion.

Klopfenstein, Perry A. Marching to Zion: a History of the Apostolic Christian Church of America, 1847-2007. 2nd ed., Apostolic Christian Church of America, 2008.

For thou, O God, hast heard my vows:

thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear thy name.

Psalms 61:5

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